A group of marine scientists, charity, trust and legal experts, strategy and business consultants, educators and communicators who passionately support the protection and restoration of the Ocean​. We will ‘Join the fight’ by representing and fighting for the interests of the Ocean and ultimately enabling fish and fauna to complete their lifecycles​

What we do
To achieve the COP goals of 30 x 30 we will support, connect and scale the effects of MPAs and their stakeholders to achieve our own ‘stretch target’ of “50 by 50” ™â€‹
Marinas Guardian acts as a centralised resource that can help MPAs perform their role and successfully achieve defined metrics. We offer a framework for supporting MPAs from understanding and implementation through to management and enforcement. ​
Our goal is to empower and enable local resources for on-going MPA management. With earliest possible inclusion in the process, Marinas Guardian helps identify and bring in funding opportunities, works with local stakeholders and government, provides tools, technologies and shares best practices. We support and enable ongoing local management through training and educational support programmes that helps build local capacity.​
We will drive systemic changes across boundaries and sectors by supporting beneficial and harmonious activities within MPAs.
Our working methods are highly collaborative, holistic and practical. ​We are grounded in a practical, science-based approach and recognize and embrace the local specific human challenges and needs that are unique to each geography. ​
Our practical, outcome-driven approach also requires agile, ‘nimble’ teams rather than large bureaucratic organizations to ensure the speed, adaptability to requirements and legal issues and the overall effectiveness of MPAs. ​
And partner with local stakeholders and resources as early as possible in the process to guarantee the right approaches and education.​
We will establish benchmarks and baselines to identify gaps and actions and continue to engage and support MPAs through Service Level Agreements.​

The Human Element
We understand the human element and recognise that MPA success and effectiveness is dependent on local communities collaboration and management.
​We aim to foster cooperation and support through our network of local and global partnerships and alliances.​ The approach will tailor to the lifecycle and maturity of existing MPAs while creating scalable processes to initiate and manage new MPAs and help support and build the global MPA network. ​
Our Intentions
Our aim ​is to empower and enable local resources for on-going MPA management through early inclusion in the process, identifying and bringing in funding opportunities, and providing training and educational support programs to build local capacity.​
We will coordinate the efforts of organizations already scaling MPAs efforts and carry out their exceptional work by deploying resources, tools and expertise and by identifying and working with the best technology providers in the world. And we will provide access to integrated end to end technology solutions matched to the specific local needs of individual MPAs.​

We will always avoid ‘reinventing the wheel’ to keep our finances focused on delivering measurable impact.​